Looking for handmade gift ideas for Valentine’s day? Look no more, here’s a super easy pom pom heart tutorial by Meryemce Hobiler on Youtube. You can make it in one or two colors depending on your preference, but I personally think the two-toned one is much prettier. Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.


  • 2 yarns in different colors
  • scissors
  • yarn needle
  • comb
  • 2 beads


Step 1:

Get a small strand of the first yarn and insert it between your index and middle finger.

Step 2:

Take the end of the first yarn roll and loop it around your index and middle fingers 40 times. Cut the excess yarn. Take the small strand and tie it loosely around in the middle of the loop. Remove the loop from your fingers then tighten the strand. Tie it several times to secure it. Cut the excess yarn.

Super Easy Pom Pom Heart Tutorial
Image by Meryemce Hobiler via Youtube


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Step 3:

Get a small strand of the second yarn and insert it between your index and middle fingers.

Step 4:

Take the end of the second yarn roll and loop it around your index and middle fingers 40 times. Cut the excess yarn. Take the small strand and tie it loosely around in the middle of the loop. Remove the loop from your fingers then tighten the strand. Tie it several times to secure it. Cut the excess yarn.

Step 5:

Get the pom poms and cut the loops to make several strands. Insert the needle with a strand of the first yarn in the center of each pompom and tie them together tightly. Cut the excess yarn.

Step 6:

Cut a small heart on a piece of paper as a pattern. Trim off the pompom following the pattern. Comb the strands to make it look fluffy. Cut if there are loose strands.

Super Easy Pom Pom Heart Project
Image by Meryemce Hobiler via Youtube


Step 7:

Get a long strand and insert it into a needle. Insert the two beads and tie on the length you want for the handle of the pom pom. Insert the needle through the middle of the heart and tie it. Cut excess yarn and you are done.


Super Easy Pom Pom Heart


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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