Stack ‘Em Up Quilt With Pre-Cut 10″ Squares

Stack ‘Em Up Quilt With Pre-Cut 10″ Squares | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Material Girl Quilts via Youtube


Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned quilter, you’ll love this project from Material Girl Quilts on Youtube. This quilt has a fun modern design and is perfect for beginners to begin their quilting journey. And did I mention this project uses layer cakes or pre-cut squares? That’s right; you can finally use those layer cakes you’ve saved for the right project!



  • 1 layer cake (or 30 – 10″ pre-cut squares)
  • 2 & 1/4 yards of background fabric
  • 4 yards of backing fabric
  • 1/2 yard binding fabric


Step 1

Cut each of the pre-cut squares into three different rectangles. The first rectangle will be 5 & 1/2″, the second is 3″, and the last is 1 & 1/2″. To make the blocks, lay the three rectangles you just cut, and in between each of those cut rectangles, place a 10″ x 1 & 1/2″ background rectangle. Sew them together and press towards the darker fabric.

Cutting the layer cakes to make the stack em up quilt blocks
Image credits: Material Girl Quilts via Youtube


Step 2

Once all your blocks are complete, start laying them out. Column one starts with a small rectangle at the top, then a larger rectangle at the bottom. Column two has a larger rectangle at the top and a smaller rectangle at the bottom. Repeat it this way so that all of the odd-numbered columns will have a small rectangle at the top, and all the even-numbered columns will have a large rectangle at the top.

Step 3

Sew your blocks and your background rectangles together into columns. Once your columns are complete, piece the sashing to go in between each of the columns, then on either side of the right and left side of the quilt to finish it off. (You will need two 1 & 1/2″ x WOF strips that you’ll piece together, then trim down to 73 & 1/2″ or the length of your columns to create your sashing sections). Those sashing sections will be sewn in between each column, then on either side of the finished quilt top.

Stack em quilt layout pattern
Image credits: Material Girl Quilts via Youtube

Stack ‘Em Up Quilt With Pre-Cut 10″ Squares

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