12 Simple Aluminum Foil Hacks Everyone Should Know

12 Simple Aluminum Foil Hacks Everyone Should Know | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Joy Home Remedies via Youtube


Did you know that aluminum foil has a lot of use? Here are 12 simple hacks by Joy Home Remedies that you should know. You’ll definitely find all of these helpful! Next time you go to the grocery store, make sure you grab one!



Sharpen your scissors

Aluminum foil is actually great to get your scissors back in tip-top shape. Take a piece of aluminum foil, fold it in several layers, and cut it.

12 Simple Aluminum Foil Hacks Everyone Should Know Tricks
Image by Joy Home Remedies via Youtube

Cut down ironing time

Get rid of wrinkles by putting a piece of aluminum foil underneath your ironing board cover. This will help to reflect heat, smoothing wrinkles in a fraction of a time.

Remove static from clothes

Make two or three balls of aluminum foil about two to three inches in diameter, and place them in the dryer with your clothes.

12 Simple Aluminum Foil Hacks Everyone Should Know Tips
Image by Joy Home Remedies via Youtube

Catch ice cream cone drips

Wrap the bottom of the cone with a piece of aluminum foil.

Protect your vegetable garden

Add strips of aluminum foil to your garden mulch. The shiny surface of the foil will reflect light onto your plants. It is also believed to act as a deterrent for a variety of pests and other garden intruders.

Make a perfect pie

Use aluminum foil to keep the edges of your homemade pie from burning.

Soften up brown sugar

Chip off a piece of hardened brown sugar, wrap it in aluminum foil and bake at 350F. Check every few minutes until it’s soft. This will help them break apart.

Line ‘paint roller’ pans

Lining them will make cleanup a breeze. Once you are finished painting, all you need to do is remove and discard the aluminum foil, then rinse the pan.

Keep bread and dinner rolls warm

Keep your bread warm and fresh by wrapping them in a napkin and placing a layer of aluminum foil underneath.

Create a custom-shaped cake mold

Form the foil into your desired shape and place it inside the baking pan. Pour in your cake batter and bake as usual.

Create a makeshift funnel

Take a piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil, fold it in half, and shape it into a cone.

Re-attach a vinyl floor tile

Lay a piece of aluminum foil over the tile, and warm it up with an iron on medium heat. This will soften the adhesive and make the tile more flexible.



12 Simple Aluminum Foil Hacks Everyone Should Know

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