Leggings have to be the most comfortable garment ever invented, they look good on so many people from all different age groups and body types. Leggings look great with a t-shirt for exercise but also they are the perfect pant to wear with a chunky sweater to relax on the couch at home. I have always wanted to make my own leggings and have actually bought a couple of patterns to try, but when I found this great Youtube video by Made Everyday, where the process of actually cloning your favorite leggings is intricately described in a step by step fashion with every shortcut idea included to boot. There are two ways to cole your leggings included in the video, one is to cut your leggings in half if you don’t need them anymore due to damage or wear and tear. The other method of cloning your leggings if you don’t wish to damage the original pair is to do a simple trace on an old grocery bag. Both methods are simple and completely awesome.
- A pair of old leggings
- An old t-shirt (to use as legging fabric)
- Thread
- A pair of scissors
- A sewing machine
In the video, you will learn how to cut your old leggings in half to make a pattern.
Then you will learn to use an old t-shirt as fabric for your new leggings.
These leggings turn out fabulous and I am so glad I found this idea, it’s worth its weight in gold.