This sailor’s song quilt pattern by Revelation Quilts is not as complicated as you think. It’s actually easy to make! With this step-by-step tutorial, you can finish it with ease. Even beginners can easily follow the steps. Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.
- two yards of light fabric
- two yards of dark fabric
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Step 1:
Cut 2 light and 2 dark 10″ squares from your fabrics. Stack them on top of each other. Cut 2 pieces of 4″ strips and 1 piece of 2″ strip.
Step 2:
Separate the light and dark strips. Place the light 2″ strip between 2 pieces of 4″ dark strips. Do the same for the dark 2″ strip. Sew them with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Press the seams of the first block away from the center and the other one towards the center for both dark and light blocks.
Step 3:
Pair the dark block with the seams pressed away from the center with an opposite color block with the seams toward the center. Place them on top of each other right sides together. Do the same for the second block.
Step 4:
Turn them to the sides and trim an inch off the end, so they will be about nine inches. Turn them back so the stripe is vertical.
Step 5:
Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on both stacks. Next, sew 1/4″ away from both sides of the lines. Once done, cut directly on the line. Press them open and trim them into 8 1/2″ squares. The three-inch line of your ruler should intersect with the little half-square triangle.
Step 6:
Assemble the blocks just like in the photo below with a quarter of an inch seam allowance.
Loved this simple block? If so, make sure to check Revelation Quilts on Youtube and subscribe to her channel. She has a lot of video tutorials for you that you might like.