Love going on picnics or potlucks? This round food fabric bag is an easier way to hold your pots! It has a drawstring, so you can easily open and close it with ease. I am sure you’ll reuse this over and over again. Learn how to make it through this video tutorial by Estadistica Datos del Mundo.


  • a big piece of paper
  • marker
  • measuring tape
  • canvas fabric
  • printed and plain cotton fabric
  • thin thermo-adhesive wadding
  • bias tape
  • strip


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Step 1:

Make your pattern. Fold a big piece of paper into 4. From the center fold, measure 9.4 inches, then mark. Change the angle little by little until you make a quarter circle. Cut it out.

Step 2:

Use the pattern to cut an 18.9-inch diameter circle on each of the canvas and printed cotton fabrics. For the plain cotton fabric, cut 2 pieces of 18.9-inch diameter circle.

Step 3:

Fold your pattern into a quarter circle and measure 8.7 inches from the folded center. Keep doing it until you reach the other side. Trace and cut it. Now you have a 17.3 inches diameter circle.

Step 4:

Cut a round thermo adhesive wadding using the 17.3 inches pattern. Press it on the back part of the round canvas fabric. Place one of the round plain cotton fabrics on top, wrong sides together. Sew with a 0.2-inches seam allowance along the edges.

Step 5:

Cut two pieces of 4.7″ by 21.6″ inches rectangles on the canvas fabric. Get one and fold it in half lengthwise, then press to make a crease. Open it and fold the sides toward the center. Lastly, fold it in half. Do the same with the other piece. Top stitch them on both edges.

Step 6:

Place the round printed cotton fabric and round plain cotton fabric on top of each other, wrong sides together, and press. Fold it in a quarter circle. Measure 3.9 inches from the corner to the side and mark it. Keep changing the angle until you reach the other side. Trace the marks and cut. Next, open it and cut it in the center. Cut 0.4 inches more on each end. Sew each with a 0.2 inches seam allowance.

Round Food Fabric Bag Project
Image by Estadistica Datos del Mundo via Youtube


Step 7:

Sew the bias on the center edges. Place them on top of the round canvas fabric, wrong sides together. Sew with a 0.2 inches seam allowance.

Round Food Fabric Bag Tutorial
Image by Estadistica Datos del Mundo via Youtube


Step 8:

Measure 3.15 inches from the center edges and mark them. Sew the handles on the marks. After that, sew the bias tape around.

Step 9:

Insert a strip inside the inner bias and make a knot on the ends.


Round Food Fabric Bag


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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