Having Trouble Finding Things In Your Purse? You Need To Make This Item (Watch!)

Having Trouble Finding Things In Your Purse? You Need To Make This Item (Watch!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is a problem that most of us women have on a daily basis and it just doesn’t change…or does it? Well, if you watch this tutorial you’ll see that there’s a solution to your frustration.


I have called my purse the “black hole” on more than one occasion and it’s always funny to me that I will look and look for something I need, not finding it when I need it, but finding it immediately after the urgency has passed.

This is a brilliant solution for women all over the country. I have looked at these off and on online and never purchased one because I didn’t want to pay upwards of $100 for a purse organizer.

The good news is that there’s a great DIY project right at your fingertips for solving this problem and it’s attached to this post! I was so happy to find this. I had seen the ones you make that roll up, but I didn’t want that type of purse organizer. I wanted one that had everything right at my fingertips and I could just look into my purse and see what I needed. These can be made for any size bag…isn’t this wonderful?

Here’s one that is actually very functional and easy to make. Heck, I had enough scrap fabrics to make one and I’m sure you do to, if you sew.

Watch how Lynne, with Vicki Lee Bags, makes these in her step by step tutorial and get your purses organized…these are awesome!

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