Pony Express Quilt With Jenny Doan

Pony Express Quilt With Jenny Doan | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Missouri Star via Youtube


This pony express quilt by Missouri Star looks so much fun! The colors and the pattern are just so playful – I’m sure it will receive a lot of attention. It’s an easy design made from half-square triangles and flying geese blocks, so it’s perfect for beginners. Keep on reading or watch the video below for full instructions.



  • 1 pack of 10″ squares
  • 4 1/2 yards of background fabric
  • 1 1/2 yards of outer border
  • 2 3/4 yards of backing


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Step 1:

Start by taking one 10″ background square and one 10″ printed square. Lay them right sides together, then draw a diagonal on both sides from corner to corner. Sew a quarter of an inch on both sides of the lines. Once done, cut directly on the drawn lines, then in the middle in both directions. This will give you 8 half square triangles. Press them open toward the darker fabric. Trim them if needed. You only need four for each block.

Pony Express Quilt With Jenny Doan Tutorial
Image by Missouri Star via Youtube

Step 2:

Make the flying geese. Take one piece of 2 1/2″ by 4 1/2″ white rectangles and two pieces of 2 1/2″ printed squares. Fold the squares in half diagonally and press to make a crease. Lay one of the squares on one end of the rectangle, right sides together, then sew right on the line. Trim 1/4 inch away from the seam and press it open. Repeat with the other side. You need 8 pieces of flying geese. Sew them in pairs, just lay one on top and sew on the long side. The points must be pointing in the same direction.

Step 3:

Arrange the corner blocks and flying geese block together just like in the photo below. Place the 4 1/2″ background square in the center. Sew them in rows first. Once done, sew the rows together.

Pony Express Quilt With Jenny Doan Instructions
Image by Missouri Star via Youtube

You need 5 across and 5 down. For the sashing, it will be the same size as your block. For the cornerstones, you need 36 pieces of the 2 1/2″ squares.


Pony ExpressQuilt With Jenny Doan

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