Don’t you love making fun and colorful patterns? I do! It is just so enjoyable to see bright colors together.  One of my favorite quilts that fall in this category is this pineapple quilt by Missouri Star. Look at how amazing this project is. It is definitely an eye-catching quilt design.

RELATED: Easy Exploding Pineapple Quilt Block Tutorial

The inspiration for this beautiful project is a vintage pineapple quilt block that Jenny Doan found while she was out. Her version is a bit different as it has a square in the middle. It may look complicated, but it is actually easy to make. Once you finish the first two layers, the remaining steps will be a breeze. Even beginners can try this quilt.

Easy Pineapple Quilt Materials

  • 2 packs of 5″ squares
  • 2 rolls of 1 1/2″ colored solids
  • 1 roll of 1 1/2″ background strips
  • 1 yard for the outer border
  • non-slip pineapple trim tool
  • 3 1/4 yards of backing

How to Make a Pineapple Quilt

Step 1:

Get a 5″ square and cut it in half in both directions to get 2 1/2″ squares. Set aside the 3 pieces.

Step 2:

Get one background strip and sew on one side of the 2 1/2″ square. Cut the excess, press,  then do the same with the other sides until it is all bordered up.

Step 3:

Line the white square on your ruler to the center square on the block, then trim. Do the same on all sides.

Easy Pineapple Quilt Materials (2)
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Step 4:

Get one colored strip and border the block just like in step 2.

Step 5:

Line the square on the top of your ruler to the center square on the block, then trim. Do the same on all sides.

How to Make a Pineapple Quilt
Image by Missouri Star via YouTube

Step 6:

Repeat step 2, then place your ruler on top with the white line on the flat edge of your ruler aligned with the color. Trim the excess, then do the same on all sides.

Step 7:

Repeat step 4, then place the ruler with the second square from the top aligned to the center square of the block. Trim the excess, then do the same for the other sides.

Step 8:

Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you have 8 layers.

Step 9:

Cut 5″ squares in half and lay them on the corners of your block. Sew them with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Trim excess, then press it flat. Place the ruler on top with the straight edge aligned to the edge of the block. Trim excess. Repeat to the other side to make a square.


Pineapple Quilt With Jenny Doan


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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