Painting and cleaning the brushes can be tedious. But don’t worry with these tips by Simple Ideas, your work will become easier and faster! No need to spend a lot of time rinsing roller brushes. Here are 4 paint tricks that will change the way you paint. Watch the video below for detailed steps.


1. Use a driller to clean your brush

If you’re done painting your room with a roller brush, it’s important to clean it right away to avoid the paint from hardening. Doing this traditional way of soaking in the water and rinsing it a couple of times can be time-consuming, so here’s an easier and faster way of cleaning them. Prepare a bucket with water. Insert the roller brush into a driller and dip just enough so that it’s fully submerged. Turn on the drill and let it do the work for you.

4 Paint Tricks that Will Change the Way You Paint Tricks
Image by Simple Ideas


2. Join two roller brushes

Painting steel or wood can sometimes be laborious when using one roller brush as you need to paint all sides. To make it easier, join two roller brushes in one handle. This will help you paint two sides easily.


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3. Plastic bottle to clean your roller brushes

Remove the curved part of the bottom of the bottle using a blade, then drill a hole in the middle. Cut a small hole just a few inches above the bottom of the bottle. From that hole, cut until the bottom, so you can slide the roller brush. Place it inside with the cut bottom inserted on the end. Mark the two ends of the brush on the plastic bottle and cut a line between them. Insert the pressure water on the cut line to easily clean the brush without splattering paint everywhere.

4 Paint Tricks that Will Change the Way You Paint Tips
Image by Simple Ideas


4. Welded paint brush

Cut the straight metal from one of the roller brushes and weld it into another one.  After that, straighten the handle. Place the brushes back. Now, you can paint a big area quickly.



4 Paint Tricks That Will Change The Way You Paint


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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