Look at how beautiful this block is. It looks so cool and fun! This pattern is called the Ohio trail quilt from Nancy’s Notions. It features a lovely Ohio star in the center and four patch blocks in the corners, creating an eye-catching design. Pay attention to the fabric colors you use if you want to make this quilt project.

RELATED: Windmill Quilt Tutorial

People might think it’s a complicated pattern, but the truth is, it’s not. If you look closely, you’ll realize that hourglass blocks and four patch blocks make up the block. If you’ve already mastered those two blocks, this project will be a breeze. Watch the free video tutorial below for the full instructions. Happy quilting!

Easy Ohio Trail Quilt Block Materials

  • 2 1/2″ squares – (8) first color and (8) second color
  • 4 1/2″ colored square for the center square – (1) second color
  • 5 1/2″ squares – (2) first color and (2) third color

How to Make Ohio Trail Quilt

Step 1:

Make four-patch blocks. Take 4 pieces of 2 1/2″ squares – 2 for the first color and 2 for the second color. Arrange them into a four-patch with the colors alternating. Sew them together to make a block. Repeat with the remaining 2 1/2″ squares to make 4 four-patch blocks.

Step 2:

Make hourglass blocks. Take two 5 1/2″ squares in different colors and place them right sides together. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner. Sew 1/4″ away on both sides of the line. Cut directly on the line. Press each one open. Place them on top of each other, making sure the same colors are not touching and the seam lines are aligned. Draw a diagonal line in the opposite direction of the seam line, creating a cross. Sew 1/4″ away from either side of the line. Cut directly on the line, then press each one open.

Easy Ohio Trail Quilt Block Materials
Image by Nancy’s Notions via YouTube

Repeat the process one more time with the remaining 5 1/2″ squares to make a total of 4 hourglass pieces.

Step 3:

Arrange the blocks just like in the photo below. Sew them in rows first, once done, sew the rows together to make the block.

How to Make Ohio Trail Quilt
Image by Nancy’s Notions via YouTube

Ohio Trail Quilt Block


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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