Kitchen Tile Quilt Block Tutorial

Kitchen Tile Quilt Block Tutorial | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Tulip Square via Youtube


Lately, I’ve been looking for a quilt pattern I can do to give to my mom on her birthday. While browsing Youtube, I found this adorable pattern from Tulip Square, and I immediately thought of my mom; this is perfect for her! I tried making it the next day, and it’s quite easy to make; beginners can also pull this off. What really sold me on this pattern is the variations you can do, and you will have a hard time choosing because they’re all pretty! I ultimately did the first variation as it’s quite unique. Oh, and by the way, this tutorial has a free pattern. Watch the video tutorial below to learn the step-by-step instructions.



light print:

  • cut 5 pcs. 3 1/2″ square
  • cut 4 pcs. 2 x 3 1/2″

dark print:

  • cut 16 pcs. 2″ square
  • cut 4 pcs. 2 x 3 1/2″
  • (click here for the free pattern)


Step 1

Take one of each light and dark 2 x 3 1/2″ rectangles and sew them together with a 1/4″ seam along one long edge. Do this to the remaining four pairs, then press them toward the dark. Set aside. Now, take four of the light print 3 1/2″ squares and sew two 2″ squares to the corners, opposite sides, corner to corner. Do this to the four squares, leaving the fifth one plain. After sewing, cut off the extra triangle on both sides, leaving an inch of seam. Press them open afterward. Next, take the remaining 2″ squares, and sew them on opposite two corners diagonally. After sewing, cut the excess triangles on both sides, then press open them just like in the previous step.

Making the units for the kitchen tile quilt
Image credits: Tulip Square via Youtube


Step 2

Now, sew the blocks together to form rows with 1/4″ seam. (See the free pattern for the proper placements of the blocks.) Once you have the rows, sew them together to form the block. (Different variations of this quilt are on the free pattern.)

Assembling the quilt block for the kitchen tile quilt
Image credits: Tulip Square via Youtube

Kitchen Tile Quilt Block Tutorial

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