The Secret of Keeping Fruits Fresh for 12 Months

The Secret of Keeping Fruits Fresh for 12 Months | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Melissa Mir


Buying fruits in bulk can save you a lot of money, but it will be a waste if you can’t consume all of them and they will just get rotten. There are several tips and tricks on how to preserve them but here’s a simple and great technique by Melissa Mir. In this tutorial, you will learn the secret of keeping fruits fresh for 12 months. It’s super easy to do and only requires materials and ingredients you already have in your house. Watch the video below for full instructions.



  • 52 oz jars with lids
  • water
  • kettle
  • sugar
  • towels



Step 1:

Make sure that all fruits are fresh and unrotten.

Step 2:

Place the fruits in a container then fill it with water. Rinse them several times.

The Secret of Keeping Fruits Fresh for 12 Months Tricks
Image by Melissa Mir


Step 3:

Get clean and dry glass jars. Separate the fruits in each of the glass jars. Make sure to remove the stems and leaves.

Step 4:

Boil some hot water in a pot over a stove or using a kettle. Fill each of the jars with boiling water.


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Step 5:

Place each of the lids of the jars, do not close them, and leave them for about 10 minutes.

Step 6:

After 10 minutes, strain the water from all of the jars.

Step 7:

Boil some water again. While waiting for it, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to each of the jars. Fill again each jar with boiling water.

The Secret of Keeping Fruits Fresh for 12 Months Tips
Image by Melissa Mir


Step 8:

Place the lids and close them tightly. Be careful when doing this, as the lids are hot. Cover the jars with towels and leave them to cool for about 20 to 24 hours. Make sure that all the jar lids are tightly closed. No air should enter the jars.

Step 9:

Store all the jars in a room with a temperature not exceeding 64.4 Fahrenheit. This will keep them fresh for about 1 year.


The Secret of Keeping Fruits Fresh for 12 Months

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