Why Your iPhone’s Battery Dies So Fast

Why Your iPhone’s Battery Dies So Fast | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Apple Explained via YouTube


I love using my iPhone. I use it every day for work, social media, chatting with friends and family, and many more. Basically, like everyone else, I can’t live without it. The problem with my phone is that the battery dies so fast. I have to charge it several times a day. Sometimes, even when I am not using it, I notice that the battery still goes down quickly. It is so frustrating, especially when I need it.


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So, I searched online for why my iPhone battery dies so fast and found this video by Apple Explained. He stated 3 reasons why this happens and gave some advice on how to fix it. I have realized why my battery keeps on draining after I watched the video. Do you experience the same problem? If you do, keep on reading.

For the overheating issue, you might want to check this: How to Fix Your Overheating iPhone.

1 – Battery’s age

Most modern phones like iPhones have rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that lose capacity over time. If you recharge it every day, your battery may only last a couple of years and it will lose the ability to hold a charge for more than a few hours. This means you need to carry your charger everywhere you go to prevent your phone from randomly shutting down. You can fix it by getting your battery replaced.

iPhone Battery's age
Image by Apple Explained via YouTube

2 – iPhones signal strength

If your iPhone has only one or two lines in the status bar, it means that the connection of your phone to its cellular network is weak. This will force the phone to amplify the signal and maintain a usable connection, which takes more battery power.

overheating iPhone
Image by Apple Explained via YouTube

3 – Heat

If you are outdoors with a weak signal and hot weather, you may notice that your battery level is suddenly dropping. The display dims with no way to turn it back up. The reason behind this is that the phone’s trying to cool down.


Why Your iPhone’s Battery Dies So Fast


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