How to Hull Strawberries with a Straw

How to Hull Strawberries with a Straw | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Littlegreenpanda on Instagram


Have the straw from your to-go cup of coke, but no knife? Well, then, you can still hull a strawberry with the straw. A YouTube video from ForkNPlate even says that when you’re done, you can also have a set of strawberry palm trees as food decor.



Strawberries and straw


The strawberries need to be washed before they can be eaten. You don’t just wash them like you would anything else. Chefs say that’s not a good idea because it will make the strawberries a little bruised. For the best taste and color, you have to wash them in a different way.

tutorial to hull strawberry with straw
Image credit: ForkNPlate on Youtube

Pour some cold water into a big bowl. Put the strawberries in the bowl of cold water an hour or so before you want to eat them. In order to get rid of all of the dirt, gently swish them around with your hands. Remove and put on a piece of paper towel.

As soon as your strawberries are dry, they’re ready to be hulled! You take a straw. Then, you push the straw up through the strawberry’s bottom until the strawberry’s stem comes out of the top.

Do the same way with the rest of the strawberries. If the straw is broken, you can still do this trick with another straw.

Make palm trees out of the stems when you’re done.

Remember to tell your family and friends about this simple trick. It’s not that hard to do, and it’s also a quick process. It’s just that you need to use a clean straw and wash your strawberries first.

how to remove stem from strawberries
Image credit: ForkNPlate on Youtube

This is also a good eco-friendly way to use straws that aren’t being used. Don’t throw them away or put them in the trash and leave them there. You can still keep some for other upcycling projects or use them to remove the stems of your strawberries. Now, eat your strawberries, and have fun!

How to Hull Strawberries with a Straw

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