Berries make an excellent snack for breakfast. Adding them to oatmeal, pancakes, smoothie bowls, or toast can help you stay full the whole morning. Not only are they delicious, but are also packed with nutrients. They’re also available in almost all grocery stores, so you won’t have trouble finding them. Just remember to clean them right after you get home, as they may carry bacteria and mold spores. Simply washing them with water won’t remove these contaminants. If you just rinse them and place them in the same container, you’ll notice they spoil easily. So, what is the right way to wash your berries?

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The video tutorial below from Bobby Parrish on YouTube teaches you how to wash your berries properly. A simple vinegar solution can do the trick, but remember to soak them. This process kills the microbes and bacteria and helps extend the shelf-life of the berries in the fridge.

The strawberries and blueberries can be placed in the same bowl, but the raspberries should be placed in a different bowl since they are very delicate.

What You Need to Wash Berries

  • bowls
  • any vinegar you prefer
  • cold water
  • dry cloth
  • strainer

How to Wash Berries Properly

Step 1:

As soon as you go home from the grocery stores, put the strawberries in a big bowl, along with the blueberries. Put the raspberries in a separate bowl.

Step 2:

Pour a ¼ cup of vinegar into each bowl, then fill them with cold water.

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How to Use Vinegar to Wash Berries
Image by Bobby Parrish via YouTube

Step 3:

Let the raspberries sit for 4 minutes and the blueberries and strawberries for about 8 to 10 minutes otherwise the fruits get soggy. Gently stir them after a few minutes to make sure all parts get soaked.

How to Wash Berries Properly
Image by Bobby Parrish via YouTube

Step 4:

Remove the berries, then place them on a strainer. Rinse them with running water.

Step 5:

Transfer on a clean dry cloth and let the berries air dry before you put them away.

How to Wash Your Berries The Right Way


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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