Bring your old patio chair back to life with this paracord method by Paracord Planet on YouTube. With only a few materials, you can upcycle your old chair without compromising its sturdiness. So, instead of buying a new set of chairs, consider doing this project first.
- Old chair
- Paracord
- Long flat wooden stick
- Lighter
- Scissors
Step 1
Grab your old chair, then remove its seat and backrest leaving only the metal frame. Make a constrictor knot at the front bar of the chair, begin by bringing the end of the cord over the top of the bar, bring it around to one side, then cross over the other side, bring it around again on the same side, then bring it over the cord. Push it underneath the center of the twisted cord, pull tightly, then cut the excess end. Burn the ends with a lighter to seal it then press against the knot for a flat edge, wrap it around up to about 2 inches wide, then cut off the excess, tuck the ends, and seal. Repeat the process on the other corner of the front bar as well as 2 corners of the upper bar of the backrest.
Step 2
Tie 2 cords in a constrictor knot at the top of the wrapped corner of the front bar, pull all the way under the bottom of the middle bar, then bring it around and above the top bar, wrap it around once more, go over the middle bar twice, then pull all the way through the front bar. Repeat the process until you reached the other side of the bar. You can use a different colored cord or just use the same one for cross weaving. First, insert a flat long wooden ruler or flat stick through the criss-cross pattern, then twist the stick to allow some nice weaving room. Then, start weaving the cord across. For a more detailed tutorial, watch his video on YouTube.
*These amazing images are all credited to Paracord Planet via YouTube. Check his other content and follow for more!