How to Roll Face Towels Like in Hotels

How to Roll Face Towels Like in Hotels | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by MadeByFate via YouTube


Don’t you love hotels? The scent of fresh and clean sheets, luxurious decorations, and the cleanest bathroom – they are simply the best. Whenever I step into my hotel room, the first thing I look at is the bathroom. I spend a lot of time there, especially if there’s a tub. I wonder if I can get the same feeling whenever I step into my bathroom at home, even just with the towels.


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Hotel towels look luxurious, right? They are folded neatly and beautifully. So, I did some research and found this tutorial by MadeByFate. This folding technique definitely reminds me of the luxurious spa we went to a few months ago. The towel was served to us cold and damped. I can’t even describe how relaxing it was. You have to try it at home – I highly recommend it. It is so refreshing!

Folding face towels in this way makes them more presentable. Plus, you can easily stack and store them without them getting messy. It’s definitely the best way to fold face towels.

For more folding techniques, check these out: Clever Folding Tricks and Tips to Save SpaceSpace Saving Towel Folding TechniqueClever Folding Tricks and Tips to Save Space

How to Fold/Roll Face Towels Like a Pro

Step 1:

Start by laying the face towel on a flat surface. Fold it in half diagonally, making sure the edges are aligned.

How to Fold Face Towels Like a Pro
Image by MadeByFate via YouTube

Step 2:

Get the center tips, then fold them up until the folded edge. It should look like a trapezoid.

Step 3:

Carefully, flip it upside down, making sure it is still folded.

Easy Way to Fold Face Towels
Image by MadeByFate via YouTube

Step 4:

Roll from one side to the other end, then tuck the other end into the folded diagonal. Make sure to do it as firmly as you can.


How to Roll Face Towels Like in Hotels

How to Roll Face Towels Like in Hotels and spas

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