How To Pick Good Produce

How To Pick Good Produce | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Jordan Page Fun, Cheap, or Free Via YouTube


Last week we went over ways to preserve your produce, so this week I found this video that explains how to make sure and buy the right products in the first place. There are ways to tell which fruit or vegetable is the perfect ripeness, and I learned so much from this wonderful video tutorial by Jordan Page Fun, cheap, or Free, on YouTube. These tips in this video are absolutely invaluable, did you know that you can judge a pineapple by is small, its amount of yellowness, and the size of the little diamonds on the skin? Amazing stuff we are learning here!


This method of picking already boxed fruit made total sense to me, you look at the date of course, but always turn the container upsidedown to see if any of the strawberries, blueberries, etc. are smashed, juicy or moldy. One bad apple really will spoil the whole bunch here. 

How To Select Strawberries - How To Buy Blueberries - How To Pick A Watermelon
Image By: Jordan Page Fun, Cheap, or Free Via YouTube

Then, you can always tell when an avocado is ripe by flicking of the top seed. If the seed comes off easily, you have the perfect avocado.


How To Select The Best Produce - Easy Ways To Pick Out Good Produce - Grocery Shopping Tips
Image By: Jordan Page Fun, Cheap, or Free Via YouTube

These tips are fabulous, I really don’t know how I shopped without them.

How To Pick Good Produce

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