How To Make The House Smell Amazing With A Clothespin

How To Make The House Smell Amazing With A Clothespin | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube


This is an excellent DIY hack if you like your house to smell fresh and clean using a clothespin. Andrea Jean Cleaning on YouTube does a great job with her step by step instructions on how to implement fun ways to make an air freshener. There are 3 different options to make an air freshener that is very simple. Plus, she gives ideas on where to put the clothespin around the house that you may not think of. For example, you can clip the clothespin on the air vent inside your house, ceiling fan, or car air vent. This can save you a lot of money because the air freshener clips that are sold in stores can be pricey and do not last long.



  • clothespin
  • essential oils
  • baby oil
  • Downy infusion beads
  • plastic bag (for the Downy beads)


First, take your clothespin and place it over the sink to add the essential oils or baby oil all over. Get it as saturated as you can. This is a great way to use any choice of scent.

home scent hacks cheap and easy - secrets for an amazing smelling home - DIY home freshener
Image by Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube


Next, if you’re going for the Downy infusion beads option, add the beads into a plastic bag with water and shake it to crush them up so it breaks into the water.  take the clothespin and submerge it into the Downy beads mixture. Let it soak for however long you want it.

quick tip making your home smell so fresh and clean - DIY Home Smell - Clothespin Crafts - House Cleaning Hacks
Image by Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube

Overall, this is a cool way to use inexpensive items and make air fresheners in a natural way without turning on a candle or use air freshener plugins. These are secrets on how to make your home smell amazing with just a clothespin. I’m convinced you can redip the same clothespin into your choice of essential oils or infusion laundry beads.


How To Make The House Smell Amazing With A Clothespin - DIY Air Freshener - House Cleaning Products

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