While living in England for many years I developed a special love for hard cider. The Sunday lunchtime activities at the local pub were always dear to my heart. With every wonderful memory of the old days spent at the pub, there was a glass of lovely cider present to wash down our scotch eggs and pork pies. I had never thought of making hard cider myself in a home setting until I saw this awesome hard cider video tutorial by CS Brews on Youtube. This video tutorial absolutely blew my mind because CS Brews makes this delicious hard cider in the actual bottle that it was purchased in at the store! His method of putting this project together was literally, just a few very simple steps.


  • 1/2 gallon of 100% pure apple juice (room temperature)
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry yeast (hydrated with apple juice for 10 minutes)
  • An airlock top (you can use a balloon with holes poked in it)
  • A funnel
  • A rubber stopper


First, you will pour off about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of your store-bought apple juice to make room for the expansion when you add the other ingredients. Then place the funnel in the top of your apple juice bottle, then add the sugar and yeast, (that has been standing for at least 10 minutes).

Homemade hard cider from plain apple juice

Then, you place your rubber stopper and airlock top on the juice bottle, then store in a cool dark place for about 2 weeks and you will have homemade hard cider. It is really that easy! 

Hard cider made at home with store bought apple juice

This hard cider recipe is going to be just the thing to soothe my nerves and help me remember the good times.

How To Make Hard Cider From Store-Bought Apple Juice

Stephanie Hicks | DIY JOY



Since I lover experiments, I’ve alwaysnloved to create, paint, as well as cook and style food. I feel in love with DIY as soon as I discovered it and could not have been more excited when I learned I could share projects with people around the world. Taking photos is a passion of mine, as is design and painting with oils. I love holidays and celebrations, crafting cute little gifts and serving up at least one new recipe I am excited about.

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