How To Make Evenly Cooked Bacon In The Oven

How To Make Evenly Cooked Bacon In The Oven | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: The Hillbilly Kitchen Via YouTube


I am one of the many people who love bacon. The unfortunate stumbling block that I encounter when I cook bacon is the fact that the bacon inevitably cooks unevenly. No matter how slow I cook it, I cannot make it cook evenly. My bacon gets burned in some parts and raw in others. Recently I found this awesome oven cooked bacon video recipe tutorial by The Hillbilly Kitchen, on YouTube, and I was amazed at how evenly this bacon cooks in the oven. I had to try this right away because from start to finish, this video provides a clean and even bacon cooking experience.


Ingredients For Oven Cooked Bacon Recipe:

  • A pound of bacon
  • A sheet pan
  • Aluminum foil to line a sheet pan
  • An oven


In this awesome oven cooked bacon video recipe tutorial by The Hillbilly Kitchen, on YouTube, you will learn to make delicious bacon in the oven. You start by lining your sheet pan with aluminum foil, then laying your bacon side by side in the pan. 

How To Oven Cook Bacon - Bacon Ideas - Bacon Recipe
Image By: The Hillbilly Kitchen Via YouTube

Then you will cook your bacon at 350°F and just keep an eye on it, by constantly turning over.


How To Oven Cook Bacon - Bacon Ideas - Bacon Recipe
Image By: The Hillbilly Kitchen Via YouTube

This is a fabulous idea that yields perfect bacon, and it is so much cleaner.

How To Make Evenly Cooked Bacon In The Oven

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