This homemade DIY deodorizer by Realistic Suwey on YouTube is an easy and cheap project that will definitely keep your house smelling fresh all the time! It uses rock sea salt, cloves, fabric softener, and some essential oil if you want. All of these materials are available in your house, plus, they are non-toxic, repel insects, and emit an aromatic smell.
- Rock sea salt, coarse
- Cloves
- Fabric softener
- Orange essential oil, optional
- Glass jar with a perforated cover
- Hard spoon, for stirring
- Knife
Step 1
If your glass jar doesn’t have a perforated cover, then you can simply make one. First, make sure that the lid is on the jar so that it sits on a stable base, then grab a knife, and start piercing several holes all over the lid. Remove the lid, then flip it over, and flatten the sharp edges of the holes that you made. Before you put the lid back on, start mixing your deodorizer in the glass jar.
Step 2
Fill the glass jar about ¾ full with rock sea salt, then add a tablespoon of clover, and mix them together until well combined. Next, gradually add the fabric softener and mix well in between addition until it has a clumpy texture. If you added too much fabric softener, you can adjust by adding more salt. Add a few drops of essential oil, then stir well to distribute, and cover with the perforated lid. Place anywhere you like, it could be your kitchen, toilet, bathroom, etc., just make sure to keep this away from kids.
*Thanks to Realistic Suwey via YouTube for all images used here. If you loved this video, then you’ll surely love her other videos too, so give her channel a visit and subscribe!