I recently found this wonderful sisal rope decorative hat video tutorial by The Shabby Tree on YouTube, and I really wanted to make it as soon as I could. My husband just built the cutest covered deck area for our beach home in Rockport, Texas and I needed some coastal decorations for the new outdoor space. This hat idea was going to be perfect for an outdoor decorative accessory because it was made of sturdy recycled materials that I already had around the house.
Materials For The Decorative Sisal Hat:
- A spool of sisal rope (or twine)
- A hot glue gun
- Some glue sticks
- A plastic bowl
- A circle of cardboard
- Decorations for the hat (I am going to use some fishing net and shells to match our outdoor area)
In this wonderful sisal rope decorative hat video tutorial by The Shabby Tree on YouTube, you will learn how to make this awesome hat in a few easy steps. You start by gluing a plastic bowl to a cardboard circle with your hot glue gun.
Then, you just start gluing all of your sisal rope twine around the gorgeous decorative hat until the entire surface is covered.
This project turned out so cute, I just really love it!