How To Knit Chunky Yarn Pouf Pillows

How To Knit Chunky Yarn Pouf Pillows | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Do It On A Dime Via YouTube


When I saw this pouf pillow video tutorial by Do It On A Dime on YouTube, I knew I needed to make some. These pillows look like they were bought on the showroom floor of West Elm, they are so beautiful! The coolest thing about these gorgeous pouf pillows is the fact that the yarn s so chunky, the project goes really quickly. Unlike other knitting or crochet projects, you can make several in one evening, I call that instant decorating! The other great thing about these pouf pillows is the fact that they are so cozy, you can snuggle with them as you are watching television or reading, they are just perfect in every way. The directions by Do It On A Dime are so easy to follow, even the beginner will not have any trouble making the gorgeous pouf pillows.


Materials For pouf Pillows:

  • Chunky yarn
  • Scissors


In this pouf pillow video tutorial by Do It On A Dime on YouTube, you will learn how to make these pouf pillows in a few easy to follow steps. You start by making the top portion of your pillow.

Knit Pouf Pillows With Your hands
Image By: Do It On A Dime Via YouTube

Then, you will stuff the pillow and tie off the end. It is really that easy!

Stuff Hand-Knitted Pouf Pillows With Dacron
Image By: Do It On A Dime Via YouTube

These pouf pillows are even more gorgeous than I could have ever imagined! I made about 5 in one sitting and they added so much to my living space.

How To Knit Chunky Yarn Pouf Pillows

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