How To Keep Bananas From Turning Brown Fast

How To Keep Bananas From Turning Brown Fast | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Kitchen Tips Online via YouTube


It’s a tough battle when you buy bananas at the grocery store, and the next day they start to ripen really fast. Sometimes after 2 days, brown spots start to show up and it can be hard to keep up on eating them. Also, it depends on the type of bananas you pick at the store because the greener the banana, the longer it’ll take to turn yellow and brown. Kitchen Tips Online on YouTube has tips and tricks on how to keep your bananas fresh. Normally, bananas that are shipped to the United States are from central and South America. Apparently Ethylene gas plays a whole part in how bananas ripen.

Ways To Preserve Bananas longterm - How To Keep Bananas Fresh
Image by Kitchen Tips Online via YouTube

If you put your bananas in the refrigerator after they ripen on the kitchen counter, they allow the inside of the banana to slow down its ripening. The product that helps absorbs Ethylene gas is bluapple. Plus it helps keeps fruits and vegetables last longer. I need to try this because my bananas always go brown fast. Sometimes I just rip off 3 bananas if that’s how much I need instead of a big batch.

How To Keep Bananas Fresh ~ How To Store Bananas ~ How To Keep Bananas From Turning Brown
Image by Kitchen Tips Online via YouTube

Overall, I think it’s interesting to store bananas in a container and in the fridge. However, if you don’t want to buy this product, just pick out green bananas and store them in the fridge after they start to turn a little yellow. It’s hard to come around bananas if you buy a big batch so I end up making banana bread. If you love bananas but are tired of turning brown fast, this is a great product to buy that would last long term and keep them for about 15 days. I like my bananas nice and yellow, but not mushy.


How To Keep Bananas From Turning Brown Fast - Store Bananas To Prolong Color - Ways To Store Bananas

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