When I found this awesome nail polish key painting idea by Nailed It NZ, on YouTube, I was super excited to try this because I am always fumbling to try to find the correct keys for the door. Apart from being a really easy and useful idea, you will learn some really cute patterns that can also be used on your fingernails. The patterns are so cute and look very professional-looking, and when you see how each pattern is done, you won’t believe how easy these are to actually do at home.
Materials For Nail Polish Key Painting:
- Keys
- Nail polish (get the colors you want together according to what patterns you want to make)
- Small paintbrushes
- Clear polish (for coating)
In this awesome nail polish key painting idea by Nailed It NZ, on YouTube, you will learn how to paint your keys in these beautiful patterns to be able to identify them more easily. There are so many cute patterns in this video tutorial, one of my very favorites is the rose pattern.
There is also a really cute daisy idea that I just love.
This is such a wonderful video tutorial that is not only useful for identifying your keys but, really relaxing and fun to watch.