How to Hem Jeans While Keeping Original Hem

How to Hem Jeans While Keeping Original Hem | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Professor Pincushion via Youtube


Did you finally find the perfect jeans that fit perfectly but realize it’s too long? Don’t worry – it’s easy to fix it! Learn how to hem jeans while keeping the original hem through this tutorial by Professor Pincushion on Youtube.



  • jeans (this works best for jeans that have a straighter leg)
  • measuring tape
  • thread (match the thread color the best you can)



Step 1:

Fold up the bottom until you get the length that you want. Pin it in place. Try it on and sit down on a chair to make sure it’s still the length you like. You should also try it with the shoes you normally wear with them.

How to Hem Jeans While Keeping Original Hem Tutorial
Image by Professor Pincushion via Youtube


Step 2:

Measure it from the base to the folded edge. Do not include the top of the hem. Divide that number in half. Bring it down to the number you get. For example, if the measurement is 2 inches, divide it in half, and you get 1 inch. You need to bring down the fold to 1 inch.

Step 3:

Pin the side seams and middle on the front and back, then press with an iron to have a crisp edge.

Step 4:

Stitch along the bottom hemline area. You want to go as close to the fold and use a zipper foot to sew. Make sure not to accidentally sew your pant leg together.

How to Hem Jeans While Keeping Original Hem Tip
Image by Professor Pincushion via Youtube


Step 5:

Flip it out and try it on. You can leave it like that, but you can also trim off the excess. If you’re going to trim, grab your sewing gauge and put it at the half-inch mark. Measure from the folded edge the 1/2″ and mark it with your marker all the way around. Cut along the mark. Switch your stitch on your sewing machine to an overcast stitch or a zig-zag stitch to finish the raw edge. Do this stitch along the edge. This will prevent the seam from fraying too much. Flip it to the inside.


How to Hem Jeans While Keeping Original Hem

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