How to Grow Pineapples From the Store Fast and Easily

How to Grow Pineapples From the Store Fast and Easily | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: leadfarmer73


Pineapples have a refreshing taste and lot of health benefits. That is why many people incorporate them into their diet. So, next time you buy one from the store, do not throw the crown away. You can learn how to grow pineapples from the store fast and easily with the help of this tutorial by leadfarmer73. You will be amazed at how simple the steps are. Read on or watch the video below for the full instructions.



  • jar
  • ripe pineapple
  • gloves
  • distilled water
  • pot soil


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Step 1:

Get the ripest pineapple you can get from the store for faster results. If it is not yellow, you can just wait for it to change color. You want them to be as ripe as possible.

Step 2:

Wear gloves and put your hand on the bottom and the crown. Then twist the crown until it gets removed. Put the fruit on the side as you will not use them.

Step 3:

Remove the leaves an inch from the bottom. Peel it one by one, it will take off easily. As you do this, you will see roots showing up. You can use the leaves you removed for compost.

How to Grow Pineapples From the Store Fast and Easily DIY
Image by: leadfarmer73


Step 4:

Get a jar and pour some distilled water. Make sure to not fill it up. Do not get tap water as it contains chlorine that kills the roots. Place the crown on the jar with the one-inch part barely touching the water.  You just want the roots to absorb the water. Now, place it in a sunny window and leave it there. When the water becomes murky, pour it out and put some fresh distilled clean water.

How to Grow Pineapples From the Store Fast and Easily Steps
Image by: leadfarmer73


Step 5:

Once it has roots, it’s time to plant them. Put some soil in the pot, dig a hole and gently put the roots. Slowly cover it up with soil. Do not push too hard as you don’t want to tear the roots. Pour the distilled water onto the soil and let it grow.



How to grow Pineapples From the Store Fast and Easily

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