If you love painting or making any kind of art that involves paint, then you should be prepared to be covered with it or at least some part of your body. Paint can splatter when applied to a surface or when trying to dip a brush in it no matter how careful you are.

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Now, if you’re someone who does not like wearing protective gloves, then what you can do is create an alternative barrier for your hands so that the paint is at least easier to remove. These hacks by David M. Kessler Fine Art via YouTube on YouTube have been tested and proven effective in keeping your hands clean even after all of those painting sessions!

How to Protect Your Hands from Paint:

  • Gloves in a Bottle All Around Shielding Lotion
  • Avon Moisture Therapy Hand Cream
  • Potato Scrubber

How to Remove Paint from Your Hands:

Easy Painting Tips and Hacks That You Should Know
Image Credit: David M. Kessler Fine Art via YouTube

Method #1

One product that you can use is Gloves in a Bottle which is a lotion that’s very light and thin. It has a quick drying time and creates the perfect barrier around your hands to keep paint from sticking and you can just easily wash it off.

Method #2

Another product that you can use is Avon Moisture Therapy Hand Cream, this is thicker and takes a minute or two to dry and set in your hands, but just like the product mentioned above, this also forms a good barrier around your hands to keep paint from setting.

Method #3

In any case, there are still a few paints that the lotion or hand cream weren’t able to keep from sticking to your hands, then one thing you can try is to brush it off with a potato scrubber which has bristles that are soft enough for your hands but would still be able to loosen the paint.

Easy Hack to Keep Hands Clean While Painting
Image Credit: David M. Kessler Fine Art via YouTube

How to Get Clean Hands After Painting

*All these amazing images are thanks to David M. Kessler Fine Art via YouTube. Do visit his channel to see more videos like this!

How to Get Clean Hands After Painting


Elle Ann

With a flair and passion for writing, crafting, and cooking, I've embarked on a mission to discover promising content and turn it into simplified tutorials to help readers whip up their own nifty crafts and delicious food.
Food for me is an art form, so I get my kicks from playing around with flavors and ingredients. And, if you can't find me in the kitchen, I'm probably lurking in a cozy café, sipping on some coffee while indulging in my favorite burnt Basque cheesecake with either a book or phone in hand, of course.

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