We Find We’re Required To Make One Of These At Some Point And This One’s The Best!

We Find We’re Required To Make One Of These At Some Point And This One’s The Best! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I haven’t met a mother yet who hasn’t had to make one of these for their children. My daughter has made at least 3 of them, but I think this is one of the best ones I’ve seen by far!


I know what usually happens…you run out of time and end up throwing one of these together the night before your child needs one. Why not go ahead and make one of these since you know your time is coming, if you’ve got little ones? They love playing with them anyway. And, it might just make a great Christmas present for a little boy or girl!

Making a hobby horse for your little buckaroo is simple, and most likely something you could finish during nap time.

I had this grand idea of handing these out as party favors for my granddaughter’s birthday party (I’m not sure what I was thinking) and after searching endlessly online for inexpensive ones, I finally just decided to make my own and found this adorable tutorial, so this is what I did. Her older sister is an Equestrian, so she was really excited to get one and see her friends get one too!

I couldn’t believe how surprised and happy they were to receive these. Trust me, it was so worth the time I spent making these!

Watch how Anna makes these in her step by step tutorial so you can get started making your little special person one of these too!


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