If you practice these 10 habits for a clean and tidy home by THE SUNDAY STYLIST you will see a big difference in your space. Cleaning doesn’t need to be hard and tedious! Make these little changes to your everyday life, and you’ll never see your house messy again. Watch the video below for a detailed explanation.


1. Have less stuff

Declutter and purge anything that doesn’t add value. To decide what items to get rid of, ask yourself “would I buy this again?”. If the answer is no, give yourself three options: sell, donate, or discard.

2. A place for everything

Have designated places for your items so you never have to spend time searching for everyday items. Your home will easily turn into a mess if an item doesn’t have a permanent place.

10 Habits for a Clean and Tidy Home Tricks
Image by THE SUNDAY STYLIST via Youtube


3. Do less more often

Instead of letting mess in your home accumulate and pile up by doing a big clean once a week, start breaking up your cleaning and tidying into smaller and regular tasks.

4. Daily cleaning routines

The best way to start the day is the night before. Have a quick evening routine that covers three things: dishes, counters, and floors.

5. Clean as you go

When you are doing any task, make sure you take the time to clean as you go. Put the dishes you use to prepare food straight into the dishwasher, your garbage, and scraps straight into the bin, and quickly wash things as you use them.


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6. Don’t put it down, put it away

It only takes 20 seconds to put something in the right place than to dump it on the free surface you find, move it when you need that space, and then move it again until you finally put it away.

7. Keep it simple

Whether it’s your storage system, routines, or things, keeping things simple is the key to your success. Make it super simple to put things away.

8. Make it fun

Try to make cleaning and tidying as fun and engaging as you can. Have your cleaning supplies neatly organized and easily accessible. Use cleaners that look cute, smell amazing or are easy to use.

9. Do it ’till it’s done

When you are done vacuuming the floors, empty the vacuum cleaner, and put it away. When you fold the laundry, the job is not done til you put those clothes away.

10 Habits for a Clean and Tidy Home Tips
Image by THE SUNDAY STYLIST via Youtube


10. Done is better than perfect

When it comes to keeping a clean and tidy house, sometimes we have to accept that done is better than perfect.


10 Habits for a Clean and Tidy Home


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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