Granny Star Quilt Block

Granny Star Quilt Block | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Lori Holt via Youtube


You are probably familiar with the granny squares quilt design. It’s simple, easy to make, and lovely. But what if you add four flying geese units to the sides? You turn it into this granny star quilt block by Lori Holt on Youtube. It is so beautiful and has a very interesting pattern. Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.



  • 4 pieces of 2″ by 3 1/2″ background rectangles (A)
  • 4 pieces of 2″ background squares (B)
  • 8 pieces of 2″ by 1 1/2″ background rectangles (C)
  • 8 pieces of 2″ squares for the star points (D)
  • 4 pieces of 1 1/2″ squares for the granny (E)
  • 1 piece of 1 1/2″ square (F)


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Step 1:

Get one piece of fabric A and place one fabric D on top, right sides together and aligned on the edge. Sew it diagonally, corner to corner. Trim it off with a quarter of an inch seam allowance. Press the seams open. Do the same on the other side. Make sure that the background forms a big V. Trim if needed. Repeat 3 more times to make a total of 4.

Granny Star Block Quilt Tutorial
Image by Lori Holt via Youtube


Step 2:

Get one fabric E and two fabric C. Sew the background rectangles to both sides of the square. Repeat to make 2 pieces of unit A. Next, get one fabric E and one fabric C, then sew them together. Repeat to make 2 pieces of unit B.

Step 3:

Assemble the center block. Place each unit A on top and bottom, unit B on the sides with the background on the outer part, and fabric F on the center. Sew them together, then press the seams open. Next, take 2 of the fabric C and place them in the center of the top and bottom units. Sew them in place. Trim it into a 3 1/2″ square.

Granny Star Block Quilt Project
Image by Lori Holt via Youtube


Step 4:

Arrange the block based on the image. Sew in rows first, then sew them together.


Granny Star Quilt Block

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