Easy Coin Quilt DIY Tutorial
What You Need:
- Jelly roll strips
- Sewing Needle
- Sewing Machine
- Fabric cutter
- Iron
Here’s How:
Step 1
Cut your jelly roll strips into half and sew one strip to another.
Step 2
As you go along, try to create some variety by alternating dark and light colored strips until you reach desired length. And now you have your strip set.
Step 3
For best results, groups of 4 strips are recommended so it will be easier when you press the strip set along the seam. Fold the strip set and get your iron.
Step 4
Using the iron, you can start pressing along the seams (top and bottom). Take extra care when pressing the strip set to avoid any wrinkles and try to do a cursory beginning scooch.
Step 5
Looking at the bottom, open the folded strip set revealing front side. Do not scooch at this point. Instead, simply rub along the seam lightly using your iron.
Step 6
Measure 8 ½” on the strip set and start sub-cutting your strip into two using your fabric cutter. You should get a nice cut and very straight edges.
Step 7
Once you have completed a couple more strip sets, you can start alternating and sewing the coin rows together before the sashing is added. Be careful when you sew these long seams. Make sure to check your sewing and that you are doing a quarter-inch seam- not going too narrow.
And here’s what the lovely Coin Quilt looks like!