Egg Flipping Hacks To Stop Broken Yolks Every Time

Egg Flipping Hacks To Stop Broken Yolks Every Time | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Mashed via YouTube


It’s easy to make scrambled eggs, omelets, or boiled eggs, but when it comes to over-easy fried eggs, it can get a bit tricky. Flipping the yolk with a spatula can break the yolk easily if not done correctly, which can ruin your breakfast plate. If this happens all the time, you might want to try other techniques instead of the spatula. Say goodbye to broken egg yolks with these easy egg-flipping hacks.


RELATED: How to Perfectly Crack an Egg (With One Hand)

In our house, we cook fried eggs every day, but we don’t flip them. The trick that we always do is flick the cooking oil on top of the egg. It will create a thin layer on top, which keeps the egg yolk intact. The only downside with this technique is the excessive amount of oil you need to put in the pan. If you don’t want to use your spatula or add a lot of oil, check out these 3 tips by Mashed.

How to Flip an Egg Without Breaking The Yolk

Flipping lid method

Fry the egg in oil or butter as usual. After a couple of minutes when it’s ready to flip, hold the pan above the lid and slide the egg into it. Place the frying pan upside down over the lid while it still contains the egg. Flip the whole thing over again.

You can also use this technique when cooking several eggs at a time. No need to separate the fried eggs in the pan either.

This lid method not only works with over-easy fried eggs but also for flipping omelets or scrambled eggs.

How to prevent egg yolk from breaking when I flip my eggs
Image by Mashed via YouTube

Pan thrust method

This might be the best method for you if you don’t want to use your spatula or don’t have a lid in hand. It is just like tossing pancakes. Hold the pan at an angle, pointing downwards and away from you. With a flick of the wrist, thrust the same edge up again to flip the egg, then catch it again in the pan. This is perfect for cooking single eggs, but take note that this may take some practice.

The Egg Flipping Hack To Stop Broken Yolks Every Time
Image by Mashed via YouTube

Lid method

Fry the egg in melted butter or oil. Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the pan and quickly place a close-fitting lid over it. The steam helps to form a thin film over the yolks.

How to Crack an Egg Without Breaking the Yolk

Firmly tap the center of the egg into a flat surface. It could be your counter or cutting board. Hold it over your skillet, then gently pull open the shell to release the egg into the pan.

You can also crack the egg in a bowl or container instead of directly into the pan. It is easier to remove any bit of shell. Once you remove all of the shell, slice the egg into the pan from a low height.

Egg Flipping Hack to Stop Broken Yolks Every Time

Egg Flipping Hacks To Stop Broken Yolks Every Time

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