Easy Watermelon Cake Recipe

Easy Watermelon Cake Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Inspire To Cook via YouTube


Out of all the cakes that I have tried before, this watermelon cake has got to be my favorite to make! This is the easiest treat that you can make and it doesn’t even require you to whip up anything at all, and you don’t even need to exert too much effort aside from slicing up a few fruits.


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This is a great dessert to serve at parties or cookouts, and believe me everyone will go crazy for this cake, especially the kids. The visual of this cake is already a winner, but wait until you see how it tastes, you won’t stop at just one serving for sure. Learn how now with this video tutorial by Inspire To Cook on YouTube.

Ingredients for Watermelon Cake:

  • Watermelon
  • Cool Whip
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi

How to Make a Watermelon Cake:

Ingredients for Watermelon Cake
Image credit: Inspire To Cook via YouTube

Step 1

Cut off the top of a watermelon, then cut off the sides until the fruit is round, or you can use a tool similar to a round cookie cutter to cut it smoothly as shown in the video.

Step 2

Pat the fruit dry with paper towels, then place it on a cake stand and cover the whole watermelon with Cool Whip as you would a real cake.

Step 3

Put the blueberries around the base, then cut one of the strawberries for decoration, and place it on top making sure it’s at the center.

Step 4

Slice another strawberry into strips, then put them all around the top, and decorate the spaces in between with blueberries.

Step 5

Slice the kiwi into small cubes, then sprinkle it around the centerpiece, and serve immediately or chill it in the fridge first. Enjoy!

How to Make Watermelon Cake
Image credit: Inspire To Cook via YouTube

Easy Watermelon Cake Recipe

*All image credit belongs to Inspire To Cook via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to his channel for more! 

Easy Watermelon Cake Recipe

Easy Watermelon Cake Recipe

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