8 Toilet Cleaning Hacks for Lazy People

8 Toilet Cleaning Hacks for Lazy People | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube


One of the most important parts of your house aside from the kitchen is the bathroom, personally, I love cleaning, organizing, and decorating it, not only for myself or for family, but for the guests as well. It’s always nice to keep your toilet clean and your whole bathroom smelling fresh because it will bring comfort to your guests and it will surely leave a good impression on them. However, it is also a task that some of us don’t really love doing because it is tiring and it takes too much time to do. But, it doesn’t have to be that way, you can now clean your bathroom and at the same time make it smell good within just a few minutes with little to no effort at all! All thanks to Andrea Jean Cleaning on YouTube for these useful and brilliant tips and hacks.



  • Citric acid
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Toilet brush
  • Sponge
  • Scouring Stick
  • Rubber gloves
  • Kool-Aid


Tip #1

First off, pour a generous amount of citric acid into your toilet tank, then let it sit for a few hours, and proceed to clean the toilet while waiting for the citric acid to do its job. the longer you leave the solution to sit on your tank, the better, but don’t leave it for too long. After an hour or so, soak a sponge in warm water, then add some citric acid to the sponge itself, and start scrubbing the inside of the toilet tank with it. After scrubbing, flush the toilet, and repeat the process as needed. This will not only effectively clean your toilet tank but will also make it smell so good.


Tip #2

If your toilet is clogged and you don’t have a plunger available, then the quickest and simplest way to do it is by covering the top of the toilet completely and tightly with plastic wrap, and while it flushes strongly, press down the center of the cling wrap to push some air in.

Easy Toilet Cleaning Hacks for Lazy People
Image credit: Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube

Tip #3

One of the best alternatives for citric acid is Kool-Aid which also has citric acid components. Cover the whole inside of the toilet with Kool-Aid, then let it sit for a few minutes, and scrub it well before giving a good flush. This will also make your toilet smell amazing. Another way to make your toilet smell good is by wiping your toilet tank and cover with some baby oil.

Tip #4

Remove any mineral deposit or hard stain on your toilet by scrubbing it with a scouring stick, simply dip it in water, then start scrubbing, and flush. Another way is by spraying your toilet with hydrogen peroxide, then letting it sit for a few minutes, and then scrubbing it clean before flushing.

Easy Toilet Cleaning Tips And Hacks
Image credit: Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube

8 Toilet Cleaning Hacks For Lazy People

*All image credit belongs to Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more!

8 Toilet Cleaning Hacks for Lazy People

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