5 Simple Rules for a Cleaner Bathroom

5 Simple Rules for a Cleaner Bathroom | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Clean My Space via YouTube


Keeping your bathroom clean takes a lot of effort, patience, and sometimes, lots of cleaning products. But, it doesn’t have to be that way, as long as you have these tips and hacks by Clean My Space on YouTube to guide you! With this tutorial, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on cleaning products or tools, you just need to know which supplies are best to use and what proper steps to do.


Tips & Hacks:

  • Keep it Clear
  • Textile Schedule
  • Clean Mirrors
  • Shower Routine
  • Deal with it ASAP


Tip #1: Keep it Clear

If you have a small space in your bathroom, then make sure to avoid cluttering the counter, and reduce as much stuff as you can. Leave what you always use and need on top of the counter and place the rest such as your hair dryer and other tools inside your organizer or storage so they don’t make your bathroom space cluttered.


Tip #2: Textile Schedule

It’s always best to use clean towels for different purposes or areas that you will clean or need to wipe. Make sure to use a separate towel for your face, hair, and body, then make sure to schedule washing them so you don’t let any buildup of bacteria linger in your towels which can also cause a musty or bad smell.

Easy Tips & Hacks To Keep Your Bathroom Clean
Image credit: Clean My Space via YouTube

Tip #3: Clean Mirrors

Make sure to remove all of the toothpaste splatters on your mirror immediately so that they don’t solidify and cloud the mirror over time. To keep it clean, streak-free, and lint-free, use a microfiber cloth and glass cleaner to clean your mirror. To make a DIY glass cleaner, simply mix together 1 cup of white vinegar, 1 cup of water, and 1 teaspoon of cornstarch.

Tip #4: Shower Routine

Ventilate your bathroom during your shower and at least 30 to 60 minutes after. This will bring the humidity level down keeping your bathroom clean and preventing bacteria, mold, and mildew from building up and growing.

Tip #5: Deal with it ASAP

Whether it’s nose hair trimming, chunks of toothpaste in the sink, spilled products, or similar, make sure to give it a nice wipe immediately instead of leaving it in your bathroom. This will avoid your bathroom from looking so dirty and messy.

How To Keep Your Bathroom Always Clean
Image credit: Clean My Space via YouTube


*All image credit belongs to Clean My Space via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more!

5 Simple Rules for a Cleaner Bathroom

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