How to Sew a Posy Pops Quilt

How to Sew a Posy Pops Quilt | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Jordan Fabrics via YouTube


Quilting is a hobby that I truly enjoy and frequently do, and I always try out new projects every time I’m done with the previous one. One of my go-to video tutorials would be by Jordan Fabrics on YouTube and the most recent project of hers that I’ve tried is this posy pops quilt. What I love about this quilt is that it’s simple to make and the instructions are also pretty easy to follow, but most of all, the quilt just looks absolutely beautiful and you’ll never get tired of looking at it.



  • 9 print fabric
  • Background fabric
  • Border fabric
  • Marking pen, pencil, or chalk
  • Ruler
  • Scissors or rotary cutter and a cutting mat
  • Needle and thread
  • Iron, for pressing
  • Sewing machine
  • Pattern (Click here to download the pattern)


Step 1

Cut the fabrics to size and make the half-square triangles as shown in the video, then lay the small blocks out as instructed in the pattern guide, and form the center block. Start sewing the top rows together, then press them open and flat, and then proceed to sew the next rows making sure to press them as you go in alternating directions.

Easy to Sew Posy Pops Quilt
Image credit: Jordan Fabrics via YouTube


Step 2

Once done sewing each row, start stitching them to each other, then press the center block flatly, and start laying out the pieces for the outer row of the block. Stitch the side pieces together and press them open, then stitch them to the center block, and repeat with the rest of the side pieces. Make more blocks, then add the borders, and quilt however you want.

Easy Posy Pops Quilt Sewing Tutorial
Image credit: Jordan Fabrics via YouTube

easy posy pops quilt tutorial

*Thanks to Jordan Fabrics via YouTube for all images used here. If you loved this video tutorial, then you’ll surely love her other quilt projects too, so give her channel a visit and subscribe!

How to Sew a Posy Pops Quilt

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