How to Make a Heart Mason Jar Wrap

How to Make a Heart Mason Jar Wrap | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image Credit: Debs Days via YouTube


This sewing project idea by Debs Days on YouTube is the perfect handmade gift for Valentine’s Day. It’s so adorable and it makes a great accent for your treat containers, you can also use it as a mug cozy!


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Once you’ve tried making one wrap, you can then go ahead and try making different versions with different designs! You can also make one for different seasons or occasions, and what’s even better is that you can sell them, too.

Materials for Heart Mason Jar Wrap:

  • Fabric, for front, back, and hearts
  • Batting
  • Glue stick
  • Elastic hair tie
  • Button
  • Quart canning jar
  • Marking pen, pencil, or chalk
  • Ruler
  • Scissors or rotary cutter and a cutting mat
  • Fabric pins
  • Needle and thread
  • Iron, for pressing
  • Sewing machine
  • Template (Click here to download the template)

How to Make Heart Mason Jar Wrap:

Materials for Heart Mason Jar Wrap
Image Credit: Debs Days via YouTube

Step 1

Cut the fabrics to size, then place the backing piece with its right side down, and put the front fabric on top of it with its right side facing down as well.

Step 2

Center the batting on top, then pin or clip the layers together, and center the elastic on one shorter end in between 2 layers of main fabric making sure that the loop is facing inside.

Step 3

Pin or clip them in place, then stitch them all around with ¼ inch seam allowance and make sure to leave a gap for turning. Clip the corners at an angle, then cut away the extra batting, and turn the piece right side out through the opening.

Step 4

Press the edges, then tuck the opening nicely, press it down to make a sharp crease, and topstitch around the entire piece inch from the edge.

Step 5

Using the template, cut out the fabric hearts, then glue the 1st heart at the center, and place the 2 remaining hearts on the left and right.

Step 6

Stitch around the hearts with whatever kind of stitching you like, then attach a button to the shorter and opposite hair tie. Wrap it around the jar, then tip the loop around the button, and you’re done!

How to Make Heart Mason Jar Wrap
Image Credit: Debs Days via YouTube

How to Make a Heart Mason Jar Wrap

*All these images are credited to Debs Days via YouTube. Give her channel a visit and subscribe for more!

How to Make a Heart Mason Jar Wrap

How to Make a Heart Mason Jar Wrap

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