There are a lot of ways that you can cook eggs, some of them difficult, and some of them super easy. You can also use eggs in lots of recipes to make your dish look more delicious and taste yummier as well. You can play with their colors, too, to make them more fun and look more appetizing to kids and picky eaters. But, one of my all-time favorites would be this boiled egg technique by Smart Fox on YouTube because it’s so simple and easy to do, but it’s also quite interesting and strange in some way, ’cause you are basically having scrambled eggs but boiled. I know it sounds strange but the result will surely amaze you, not only does it looks so appetizing and incredibly gorgeous, but it also tastes super yummy, if not better than the usual boiled egg. You should definitely give this a try, then share it with your family, and let them wonder how you made your boiled eggs golden. Enjoy cooking!
- Egg spinner or a pair of tights
Place the egg inside the spinner or tights, then spin the egg back and forth several times until the egg yolk and white have been fully combined. To check whether the egg is mixed well, remove it from the spinner, then place it on top of a flashlight, if the light goes through, then you haven’t spun the egg enough. Once the egg is ready, cook it for about 10 minutes, then break the shell, and peel it off.
*Thanks to Smart Fox via YouTube for all images used here. If you loved this cooking tip, then you’ll surely love his other videos too, so give his channel a visit and subscribe!