Easy Flower Embroidery Trick With a Fork

Easy Flower Embroidery Trick With a Fork | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by 5 Minute Rhythmic İdeas via Youtube


I learned this amazing flower embroidery trick last week. Would you believe you can make these with a fork? Yes, you can! No need to learn different techniques. I was never good at embroidering but this method by 5 Minute Rhythmic Ideas was very easy to follow, so I made tons of it in different colors. They all turned out beautiful- perfect embellishments for my bags and hats. Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.



  • fork
  • yarn (color of your choice)
  • round bead
  • scissors
  • yarn needle


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Step 1:

Hold the fork with your left hand. Get the end of the yarn and insert it into the bottom fork tine. Hold that end with your thumb.

Step 2:

Wrap the yarn around the bottom fork tine, pass it under the second, then on the top of the third. Wrap the yarn around the last fork tine then repeat but in an alternating pattern. Continue the same process until you make 15 rows. Leave a long allowance and cut.

Easy Flower Embroidery Trick With a Fork Tutorial
Image by 5 Minute Rhythmic İdeas via Youtube


Step 3:

Insert the end of the yarn on the needle, then insert the needle on the loops on the bottom fork tine. Tie it to the other end of the yarn. Next, insert the needle into the second fork tine, then on the third and fourth.

Step 4:

Remove the embroidery from the fork and cut the excess yarn on the other end. Insert the needle again on the last loop and cut the yarn. Make 5 more petals doing the same process.

Step 5:

Insert a yarn on the needle and pass through all the petals to connect all of them. Next, insert the needle into the first petal and go all the way around again. Insert the bead and sew on the middle of the flower. Cut excess yarn and you are done.

Easy Flower Embroidery Trick With a Fork Project
Image by 5 Minute Rhythmic İdeas via Youtube



Easy Flower Embroidery Trick With a Fork

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