If you’ve got some old denim jeans that you want to use for a project but can’t decide on or find the perfect DIY yet, then you should check out this video tutorial by EasyToSew on YouTube, and give it a try! This simple tote bag is so gorgeous and sturdy that everyone else would think it is store-bought unless you tell them. This is also a great project that you can give as a gift or sell, plus, it doesn’t cost too much because all you’ll be needing is old denim.


  • 8 pieces of old denim @ 8×8 inches, for the front and back panel
  • 2 pieces of heavy-weight interfacing @15.5×15.5 inches, for the front and back panel
  • 1 piece of denim fabric @ 44.5×5 inches, for the bottom of the bag
  • 1 piece of heavy-weight interfacing @ 44.5×5 inches, for the bottom of the bag
  • 2 pcs 1.5×23″ lining and 2 pcs 2.25×23 denim for the straps
  • Lining fabric
  • 2 pieces of lining fabric @ 1.5×23 inches, for the strap
  • 2 pieces of denim @ 2.25×23, for the straps
  • Ruler
  • Pencil, pen, or chalk
  • Scissors or rotary cutter and a cutting mat
  • Fabric pins or clips
  • Needle and thread
  • Iron, for pressing
  • Sewing machine


Step 1

Grab 4 pieces of denim squares, then stack 2 together with their right sides facing, and clip them in place. Sew them on one side with a ¼ inch seam allowance, then press the seams open, and lay it on top of the shiny side of the interfacing making sure that the edges are even. Give them a good press to fuse them together, then lay the other pieced denim on top with their right sides facing and edges matching, open the fabric, and press it down the interfacing as well.

Step 2

Stitch them on each side of the center seam with a ¼ inch seam allowance vertically and horizontally, then place a round object at the bottom of the panel, and trace the curve. Cut off the corners, then repeat all of the steps to the remaining denim pieces to form the back panel, and then piece together the bottom of the bag as well.

Easy DIY Upcycled Denim Tote Bag Sewing Tutorial
Image credit: EasyToSew via YouTube


Step 3

Lay the bottom piece on top of the front panel making sure that their right sides are facing and their edges are matching, then clip it around in place as shown in the video, place the back panel on top with their right sides facing and edges matching, and clip their edges together as shown in the video. Stitch the edges removing the clips as you go, then turn it right side out, and set it aside.

Step 4

Piece the straps together as well as the bag’s lining piece, then insert the denim bag into the lining with their right sides facing, and sew their upper edges together. Turn the bag right side out through the gap, then sew the gap close, and insert the lining back into the bag nicely. Sew the pieces for the handle, then sew them to the bag, and you’re done!

Easy DIY Denim Jeans Tote Bag Sewing Tutorial
Image credit: EasyToSew via YouTube

How To Upcycle An Old Denim Into A Tote Bag

*All image credit belongs to EasyToSew via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to her channel for more!

How to Upcycle an Old Denim Into a Tote Bag


Elle Ann

With a flair and passion for writing, crafting, and cooking, I've embarked on a mission to discover promising content and turn it into simplified tutorials to help readers whip up their own nifty crafts and delicious food.
Food for me is an art form, so I get my kicks from playing around with flavors and ingredients. And, if you can't find me in the kitchen, I'm probably lurking in a cozy café, sipping on some coffee while indulging in my favorite burnt Basque cheesecake with either a book or phone in hand, of course.

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