How To Make Globe Lights From Yarn

How To Make Globe Lights From Yarn | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Made Every Day Via YouTube


When I saw this DIY globe lights from yarn video tutorial by Made Every Day, on YouTube, I had to try this really cute lighting idea. This project was very special to me because when I was a child I used to make Christmas ornaments like this using balloons and starch. The method of making this fabulous project could not be more simple and the outcome is completely awesome. How a simple beach ball and some yarn soaked in glue can become an ultra-modern light fixture, is just something so intriguing, it sparks the imagination at a truly genius level.


Materials For DIY Globe Lights From Yarn:

  • Elmer’s glue
  • Cotton yarn (cotton soaks up the glue better and stays together better)
  • Water (to thin out glue mixture)
  • A pair of scissors
  • A beach ball (or any size ball that you have)


In this DIY globe lights from yarn video tutorial by Made Every Day, on YouTube, you will learn how to make these fabulous light fixtures in a few easy steps. You begin by mixing your glue and water in a plastic tub and submerging your yarn in it. Then you will begin wrapping your sticky string all the way around your ball, over and over, until you reach the desired thickness.

Beach Ball Yarn Light Idea - Modern Decor Ideas - Minimalist Style Decor
Image By: Made Every Day Via YouTube

Then, you will let the yarn dry around the beach ball, then deflate the ball and insert your light bulb mechanism, and hang in the location of your choice.

Easy DIY Lighting Ideas - European Lighting Style - DIY Modern Decor
Image By: Made Every Day Via YouTube

This modern light fixture idea is lovely, I highly recommend this project.

How To Make Globe Lights From Yarn

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