DIY Unicorn Dreamcatcher Wall Decor

DIY Unicorn Dreamcatcher Wall Decor | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Kalyani's corner via Youtube


Here’s a beautiful DIY unicorn dreamcatcher wall decor that you can hang in your space. Isn’t this project by Kalyani’s corner amazing? Learn how to make it by watching the video below.



  • macrame cotton cord or thick wool
  • 3.9 inches and 6.7 inches diameter metal wire or ring
  • wool
  • yarn in different colors
  • beads
  • foam sheets in different colors
  • crystal beads
  • glue gun
  • golden ribbon
  • feathers
  • satin ribbon
  • anchor embroidery thread


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Step 1:

Wrap the two metal rings with a macrame cotton cord or wool.

Step 2:

Get the bigger ring and tie the thin wool around every 1.6″ until you reach the other end. For the second layer, tie it in the middle of each segment. Repeat the pattern until you reach the center of the ring, then insert a black bead and tie it to secure.

Step 3:

Repeat with the smaller ring except do not add a bead in the middle.

Step 4:

Tie the two rings together using wool.

DIY Unicorn Dreamcatcher Wall Decor Project
Image by Kalyani’s corner via Youtube

Step 5:

Cut 3 long strands of yarn of the same size, then twist them together. Once twisted, fold it in half. It will look like twisted rope. Repeat and make several in different colors and lengths.

Step 6:

Fill the top part of the large ring with the twisted yarns. Start from the smallest to the longest and make sure to alternate the colors. Once done, trim and make the ends clean.

Step 7:

Cut a 0.8 inches strip from the foam sheet, then cut them into small equal segments with 0.2 inches of space from the other edge. Round the corners of each segment.

Step 8:

Heat the foam sheet a little bit until it curves, then roll it into a flower. Make 3 pieces in different colors.

Step 9:

Glue the flowers on the head of the unicorn.

DIY Unicorn Dreamcatcher Wall Decor Tutorial
Image by Kalyani’s corner via Youtube

Step 10:

Make the horn of the unicorn with a silver foam sheet, then wrap the golden ribbon around it. Glue it on the head of the unicorn.

Step 11:

Cut ears from the foam sheet and glue on the unicorn. Make the eyelashes using a black foam sheet, then glue it in place.

Step 12:

Insert the beads onto the ends of the ribbon, then glue the feathers. Tie them on the unicorn.

Step 13:

Glue beads on the anchor embroidery thread. Place it on the top of the unicorn.


DIY Unicorn Dreamcatcher Wall Decor

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