Stenciled Lace T-Shirt

Stenciled Lace T-Shirt | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Why didn’t I think of this?! Use lace to make a plain t-shirt look fabulous in minutes!!


I have so many t-shirts that I don’t wear because they are plain looking. But, after discovering this easy DIY project I went crazy with lace and different colors of spray paint! Geez! It’s like I have a new wardrobe! How awesome is that?

I’ve painted many t-shirts in the past, but this is so much easier than hand painting on fabric! I’m pretty sure my girls are going to go crazy over this craft project! They’ve been in Europe for the summer and will be coming home soon. They will definitely be up for this!

You can also do this with bleach in a spray bottle. It looks really awesome on blue jeans too. I noticed that some people, on Pinterest, are doing this on table clothes and all kinds of things…people and their glorious imaginations!

Get your friends together for a girls night and tell them to bring a t-shirt, lace and spray paint. Have some fun while you’re doing this!

Watch how Mark Montano, with Make Your Mark, do this clever little project in his step by step tutorial and get started spiffing up those t-shirts!

Stenciled Lace T-Shirt

DIY Stenciled T-Shirt With Lace - Cool DIY Fashion Tutorials for Women, Teens and Girls - Cool Crafts and DIY Projects by DIY JOY

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