You Won’t Believe How He Transforms This Tree Into Something Spectacular!

You Won’t Believe How He Transforms This Tree Into Something Spectacular! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I’m in awe at what people create from trees!  The possibilities are endless!  This particular project left me speechless. The beauty of reclaimed wood and fallen trees is indescribable.


The beauty about using reclaimed wood for furniture is that no two are alike and no other piece of furniture can do that with such beauty and craftsmanship! I would be so proud to have this sitting in my dining room and having my guests share a meal with me and my family.

As Bob Vela puts it, and I quote him…”These days everyone tries to subscribe to the 3R’s – reduce, reuse and recycle.  Home decor is all over this trend.  More and more people are finding ways to reclaim elements – especially wood when decorating their homes. Salvaged wood is not only hot in structural elements like flooring, beams, doors and wall treatments.  It just as fashionable when it’s used in furniture applications – like for a desk, dining table, headboard, mirror, coffee table, or even a set of shelves. Reclaimed wood lends warmth to any room, but also infuses a space with a sense of history and charm that new materials lack.   You may be surprised at all the places you can incorporate reclaimed wood into your home.”

Watch this step by step tutorial to see this fabulous table come alive!  Make sure to SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!


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