DIY Plastic Bag Yarn

DIY Plastic Bag Yarn | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Photo By: @TolaresTika On Instagram


Plastic bags from the grocery store are a very unnecessary waste if you learn to make something useful out of them, like yarn. I save countless plastic bags with the good intention of recycling them but didn’t quite have a clear idea of how I was going to upcycle them until I saw this Youtube video on how to make yarn from them, which was perfect for me because I knit and crochet and I could reduce an entire closet full of plastic bags into neat spools of yarn I could stack on my tarn shelf in my sewing room. I was so excited to get started on this project because it involved my other favorite past time which is reorganizing. I got started by cutting my bags using the simple instructions in the video. I first folded my bag and cut the handles and the bottom seem off. Also, see @TelaresTika on Instagram


Learn To Make DIY Plastic Bag Yarn from grocery bags

Then I kept folding and cutting as per instructions, it was super easy!

Learn To Make DIY Plastic Bag Yarn from grocery bags

Then I folded and cut till my pieces all became really small.

Learn To Make DIY Plastic Bag Yarn from grocery bags

Then I tied the strips together and used my trusty yarn spinner to make them into neat little balls.

Learn To Make DIY Plastic Bag Yarn from grocery bags

I was able to clear my entire closet of all the plastic bags I had collected over the past year and they all fit neatly on my yarn shelf in my sewing room and they were all organized and ready to go for any project I might have in store in the up and coming new year. I love this project, these tips really helped me so much.

DIY Plastic Bag Yarn

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