She Turns A Plain Candle Into A Super Cool Photo Gift And Watch What Other Gifts She Makes Next!

She Turns A Plain Candle Into A Super Cool Photo Gift And Watch What Other Gifts She Makes Next! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

These photo gifts are easy to make and sure to melt Grandma’s heart! Photo gifts online are really expensive, so Brooke, with WhatsUpMoms, shows us three really cool photo gift ideas that are easy, gorgeous and inexpensive to make!


The first great DIY project she makes is photo coasters and all she uses is Modge Podge, black felt, 4-1/2″ square tiles, E-6000 and photos. All she does is apply Modge Podge onto the piece of tile, then she attaches the photo and brushes Modge Podge on the photo. She uses E-6000 to attach the felt square to the bottom of the tile and it takes less than 5 minutes to make!

Next she copies her photos onto transfer paper (by attaching the transfer paper to a piece of paper,with a piece of tape, to make her copy, since it’s so thin). Then she puts the photo on a plain candle and wraps wax paper around it. She uses a blow dryer for 3-5 minutes to attach the photo to the candle and removes the wax paper.

The next project she starts by laminating a photo. Then she cuts around the photo and punches a hole in the top of it. She slides a piece of yarn into the hole and ties it. These make the cutest bookmarks ever! Family members will love receiving these as gifts!

Grandparents will especially love these gifts and they are hard to buy for so these are the perfect gifts for them!

Watch how Brooke, with WhatsUpMoms, makes these darling gifts in her step by step tutorial so you can make these special Christmas gifts for your family!



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