Watch How She Makes This Amazing Rolled Paper Roses Wreath!

Watch How She Makes This Amazing Rolled Paper Roses Wreath! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I adore this vintagy shabby chic looking wreath! It’s so unique and unusual, yet absolutely beautiful! I made one and everybody is commenting on it. I actually had to send them this tutorial by Hectanooga1!

You can make rolled roses from newsprint, or old books or even phone books and turn them into a very heavy duty wreath! Not for outside, but great for anywhere indoors! You could also lightly spray silver, gold, or any color that fits your decor on the finished wreath!


Keep in mind that you can spray paint these wreaths any color you’d like. I really love the natural look of it myself. I find it amazing what people are doing with newspaper and old books. It looks like she used a phone book to make her wreath, which I thought was rather clever since all I ever do is throw mine into the recycle bend, since I don’t use phone books.

This is a fun project to do with your kids, family or friends. Just have a “wreath making party”! Or, just sit down in front of the TV to watch your favorite shows and make one of these while you watch! Nobody ever needs to be bored with all of the fabulous DIY projects available to us!

Watch how Hectanooga1 makes this stunning wreath in her step by step tutorial!

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